蜂蜜花生/Peanut Coated with Paste and Honey

2023-05-18 23:00:13







面粉:3羹匙 约50g



peanut: 300g

liquid egg: 20g

honey: 10g

sugar: 30g

salt: 3g

flour: 3 spoons, approx. 50g

vege-oil: appropriate 

做法 / Way of Cooking

1. 花生用干净的湿抹布擦去浮尘。

Clean the peanuts with a piece of wet cloth. 

2. 倒入蛋液和蜂蜜拌匀。

Add liquid egg and honey and stir.

3. 加入白糖和盐拌匀。

Add sugar and salt and stir.

4. 加入面粉拌匀。

Add flour and stir.

5. 加热植物油,几分钟之后,插根竹木筷子试油温,当筷子四周出现下图类似的小气泡,油温就可以了,加入花生,用漏勺搅拌使花生分离,听到噼啪声,再炸制十几二十秒待花生表面呈金黄色捞出。

Turn on the gas to heat the oil.  Several minutes later, insert a piece of wooden or bamboo chopstick to test the oil tempetature. When small bubbles appears around the chopstick, the oil is ready. Add peanuts and stir with strainer to separate the peanuts. When some crackled sound arises, pay attention to the color of the peanut. About 10-20 seconds later, take out the peanuts. 

6. 平铺放凉,一定要凉透才会酥脆哦。

Spread the peanuts onto a tray and let them fully cool down before eating!


  1. 蛋液和蜂蜜可以等量替换,如果增加蜂蜜就减少等量蛋液,适量减糖,反之亦然。

  2. 盐是为了提升甜味的,可不加。

  3. 喜欢吃怪味的,可以加几克辣椒粉和/或咖喱粉之类的。

  4. 千万不要把油烧冒烟了再炸花生,那样花生很快就糊了,内部还没炸透,放凉也不会酥!


  1. The liquid egg and honey can be replaced with each other. If the amount of honey is increased, please reduce the same amount of liquid egg and reduce some sugar as well according to your appetite, vice versa! 

  2. Salt is used to enhance the sweet flavour, which is not necessary. 

  3. You can add several grams of hot pepper powder and/or curry powder to make different flavoured peanuts. 

  4. Do not deep-fry the peanuts when the oil is too hot, which will make the peanuts quickly black but not fully fried. 


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