高蛋白质摄入的真相 Truths About High Protein Diets

2023-05-10 14:56:27

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  1. 高蛋白饮食不会削弱你的骨骼,反而一些研究已经表明高蛋白饮食可以增加骨密度

  2. 不运动的人使用高蛋白饮食并不会减脂,但与增加运动结合时,高蛋白饮食可以助于减脂和增肌

  3. 除非你有先前存在的肾脏问题或者在脱水的时候摄入超大量的蛋白质,高蛋白饮食不会损害你的肾脏

  4. 你摄入的所有蛋白质都会被吸收的,但并不是所有的蛋白质都会被用于肌肉蛋白质合成,记住你身体的其他部位和功能都也需要蛋白质

  5. 在经常锻炼的人群里,不用于肌肉蛋白质合成的剩余的蛋白质并不会引起脂肪合成,那些多余的蛋白质会通过“脱氨基”被分解,然后在肝脏被氧化,最后从尿液排出。当然,如果你摄入巨大量的蛋白质,你仍然会变胖

  6. 不同来源的蛋白质有不同的吸收率,配水的乳清蛋白粉会比牛肉吸收快得多

但我仍然强烈建议吃均衡的饮食,不要过量摄入蛋白质!关于蛋白摄入,请阅读这文章:到底吃多少? How Much to Eat??

  1. High protein diets do not weaken your bones. Some studies have actually shown high protein diets could increase bone density

  2. For people who don't exercise, high protein diets will not cause fat loss, but when combined with increased exercise, they can help with fat loss as well as muscle gain

  3. Unless you have pre-existing kidney problems or take extreme amounts of protein while dehydrated, high protein intake will not damage your kidneys

  4. All the protein you intake is absorbed, but not all is used for muscle protein synthesis. Remember other parts and functions of your body require protein as well

  5. Unless you are consuming absolutely absurd amounts of protein, excess protein intake that is not used for muscle protein synthesis will not cause significant fat synthesis in people who exercise regularly because the excess protein will be broken down through deamination, then oxidized in the liver, and finally excreted in urine

  6. Different sources of protein have different absorption rates. Whey protein powder with water is absorbed much faster than a steak

All that being said, please do eat a balanced diet and don't go overboard with protein! For recommended protein intake, please see: 到底吃多少? How Much to Eat??


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