【设备资讯】Royal Exclusiv推出新款大型双锥蛋分

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Royal Exclusiv Double Cone蛋分是水族业中锥形蛋白质分离器的原型。多年来,这种蛋分的内部集成版本已经能够与Double Cone 250相提并论。现在看起来我们很快就能看到其更大的型号。


Royal Exclusiv Double Cone 250是一种泡沫分离器,使用“原创”可控直流针轮泵,每小时可吸取高达2000升的空气。目前我们只能看到这款新型内置双锥蛋分的图片信息,但是从图片中其巨大的底部可看出,这将是Royal Exclusiv旗下最大的内置双锥蛋分。

Royal Exclusiv生产的DeLuxe系列中大部分是较大的内置蛋分,但是这批机械亚克力蛋分比模制双锥蛋分要更贵。Double Cone 250使用RD3 Speedy 50瓦泵,定价为1500美元左右,我们预计这款更大型Double Cone蛋分可能会采用RD3 Speedy 60瓦泵。


这款更加强大的Red Dragon 3水泵每小时可生产2,500升空气,我们预计这款新型双锥蛋分的价格可能在2,000美元左右。




Royal Exclusiv Teases New XL Double Cone Protein Skimmer

The Royal Exclusiv Double Cone protein skimmer is the archetype for cone shaped protein skimmers in the aquarium world. For years the internal in-sump version of this skimmer has maxxed out with the Double Cone 250 but now it looks like we’ll soon be seeing an even bigger model.


The Royal Exclusiv Double Cone 250 is already one hell of a foam fractionator with an air draw of up to 2,000 liters of air per hour using the ‘original’ controllable DC needle wheel pump, the RD3 Speedy. At present we’ve only got images of the body of this new in-sump Double Cone skimmer but judging from its immense base this will be the biggest internal protein skimmer that Royal Exclusiv has ever made. 


To be clear, Royal Exclusiv makes plenty of larger internal skimmers in the DeLuxe line but these machined acrylic skimmers are much pricier than their molded Double Cone counterparts. While the Double Cone 250 is priced at around $1,500 with an RD3 Speedy 50 watt pump, we expect this new larger Double Cone skimmer will probably use the RD3 Speedy 60 watt pump.


This beefier version of the Red Dragon 3 pump is capable of producing 2,500 liters of air per hour, and we expect that with this new larger Double Cone body will likely cost in the neighborhood of $2,000. No official word yet from Royal Exclusiv but we should find out for certain all the new addition to Royal Exclusiv’s product catalog by InterZoo 2018 in early May. 










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