
2023-05-10 14:56:27






Now we know that protein intake does not stimulate muscle growth per se, however animals these days are shot full of steroids and growth hormones that they use to make the animals grow bigger so they can sell better.



When we ingest their meat, we are in effect ingesting steroids and/or growth hormones, which may stimulate our muscle growth.


此外,动物蛋白,乳蛋白是主要的罪魁祸首,其显著增加已知的刺激细胞生长的胰岛素样生长因子 或 IGF-1

Furthermore, animal protein, dairy protein being a major culprit here, has been shown to significantly increase insulin-like growth factor 1 or IGF-1, which is known for stimulating cell growth.



This may sound great because it may increase muscle mass, but it also stimulates other growth that we don’t like such as cancer, aging, and acne.



So if our goal is to be healthy, then we don’t want to stimulate growth that way.



We should stick to muscle-loading only, and then try to be comfortable with how big our genes allow us to get through a healthy muscle-building process.



If we want to get even bigger, then we have to consider the impact growth-stimulating drugs will have on our health, but aside from the drugs, nothing else will really make a difference, including excessive protein intake.



Athletic performance is even more difficult to measure, although experts use this as their impetus to recommend their protein supplements that they are usually selling.



They give a theoretical or reductionist explanation of how their recommendations should work in the body but have not proven this mechanism to be true, nor the benefits to exist in actual study compared to other interventions.


我希望看到这样的研究试图使用较少的蛋白质或其他潜在更好的食物,例如 100% 不含蛋白质补充剂的全食物,高水果量以提供更简单的能量,以及一个对比组。

I want to see the study trying to use less protein or other potentially better food, such as a 100% whole foods diet without protein supplements, high in fruits for more simple energy, and a comparison group.


为什么这些数据缺乏? 我不知道。 换句话说,你不会知道较少的蛋白质更好或至少是相同的,直到它在相同的运动场上进行试验和比较。

Why is this data lacking? I don’t know. In other words you won’t know that less protein is better or at least equivalent until it is tried and compared on equal playing fields.


耐力运动员的蛋白质含量超过 10% 表现更差的研究使得我担心许多运动员可能会因为他们巨大量的蛋白质补充剂而走上错误的轨道,无论它来自动物还是植物。

The study of endurance athletes doing worse with more than 10% protein makes me concerned that many athletes may be on the wrong track with their huge protein supplements, and that’s no matter whether it comes from an animal or a plant.



Furthermore, you won’t know about the actual harms of consuming high levels of extracted protein supplements until this is compared in large, otherwise equivalent groups of people for long periods of time, who are consuming lower levels of protein. But how can we even test this if athletes are so scared of being protein-deficient?



I find the area of athlete protein supplementation to be very subjective with recommendations often based on experts giving their own anecdotal evidence and experience.



Eating high levels of any type of extracted protein is potentially harmful. Excess protein is excess protein, whether it comes from animals or plants.



And excess protein stresses the liver, the kidneys, and bones.



Now getting your protein from plants is clearly healthier than getting it from animal sources, as far as environmental contaminants, cholesterol, saturated fat, are all concerned, but once you take any food and extract the protein, you are turning a food into a drug, and once this is done, there is the potential for harm without good evidence of benefit.


例如大豆分离蛋白实际上比乳制品蛋白增加更多胰岛素样生长因子或 IGF-1 接下来的一点有望帮助我们获得蛋白质需求的全局观点。

For example, isolated soy protein actually increases insulin-like growth factor or IGF-1 more than dairy protein. This next point will hopefully help get protein requirements in perspective.


当人长身体的时候对蛋白质需求量最大(按热量百分比),因为在构建新的组织,并且确实,随着体重增加,举重者的肌肉会增长,但正如我所说的,植物性饮食中的蛋白质已经提供了 10-15% 的热量,而美国式饮食中的蛋白质还要更多。

A human has the highest need for protein as a percentage of calories when it is growing, as that is when it is building up new tissue, and it is true that muscle grows in weight lifters as they get bigger, but as I said, we already get 10 to 15% of our calories from protein on a plant-based diet, and even more than that on the American diet.



There’s so much excess protein that we don’t need to do anything differently when we lift weights, other than eat more of the same whole foods when we’re hungry.



Remember our appetite increases with exercise, so we will also eat more food when we exercise, which increases our overall protein intake.



That being said, when do you think we are growing the most as far as a percentage of body weight?



When we are first born.



So if nature was manipulating food to have the highest protein percentage, at what point in life would nature have made protein levels be the highest? That is, when would we need our percentage of protein in our food to be the highest?



When we’re doubling in size.



So when a baby is doubling in size, requiring the highest percentage of protein, human breastmilk is the food of choice, and humans thrive on this diet of breastmilk, so what percentage of calories of human breastmilk is protein?


5%,人类母乳中只有 5% 的热量是从蛋白质而来的,而这已经足够让人类(婴儿)体重加倍。

Five percent, only 5% of the calories of human breastmilk are protein, and that is enough to allow humans to double in size.


燕麦的蛋白质含量超过 15%,我们当然不需要在食用时增加一倍的体重。

Oats are over 15% protein, and we certainly don’t need to be doubling in size by the time we’re eating them.



So from many different angles, the protein argument doesn’t make sense to me.



Yet so many people, including athletes are so worried about protein for some reason.



What’s more, we’re all willing to swallow isolated protein powders that have not been through the gold standard critical appraisal. First they need to show that on a healthy plant-based diet, people won’t lift as much weight or perform as well, so they need to show there is a problem.



And remember, they need to objectively evaluate performance, keeping people’s subjective complaints of poor performance in perspective.


然后他们需要尝试做干预试验。 他们还需要研究火麻仁蛋白粉补充剂多年,或者至少只要有人吃补充剂来证明补充蛋白质没有发现任何危害,即使它可以提高运动表现。

Then they need to try the intervention. They also need to study the hemp protein powder supplement for years, or at least as long as someone will take these supplements to prove that there is no harm found with the protein supplement even if it winds up improving performance.


至少,运动员可以决定,提早 45 分钟完成比赛而增加今后 10 年的癌症风险是否值得,那么如果没有发现伤害,他们仍然必须告诉人们可能存在伤害,即使在这个特定的研究中没有一个伤害被发现,所以一项研究发现一种物质是安全的并不意味着伤害不存在。

At least then the athletes could decide if finishing their race 45 minutes faster is worth the increased cancer risk 10 years from now, and then if no harm was detected, they still have to tell people that there may be harm, but that none was elicited in this particular study, so one study finding that a substance is safe doesn’t mean that harm doesn’t exist.


不如说是,这意味着研究人员在研究过的这段时间内无法找到伤害。如果由蛋白质补充剂刺激引起的癌症需要 15 年才能发现,又如何呢?

Rather it just means that harm couldn’t be found in that study population over that period of time studied. What if the cancer caused by the protein supplement stimulation takes 15 years to detect?


一项对 25 岁运动员的研究不会显示出伤害,直到 40 岁时才会显示出,当这项研究在他们开始服用(蛋白质)补充品五年后出版,我们是无法得知是否有伤害的。

A study of athletes age 25 won’t show harm until age 40, we won’t know that when this study is published five years after they started taking the supplement.



I’m not saying that everyone needs to do this evaluation before taking a supplement, but people need to know whether the proposed benefits of a protein powder supplement are based on anecdotal evidence or incontrovertible data so that their decision can truly be informed.

( 翻译及编辑:老玉米 )


  1. Craig WJ, Mangels AR, American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc 2009 Jul; 109(7): 1266-82.

  2. Food & Agriculture Organization. (2001). Human Energy Requirements Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from: Italy. http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5686e/y5686e08.htm#bm08. 

  3. Lappe FM. Diet for a Small Planet. New York, NY, Ballantine Books. 1985.

  4. McDougall J. The McDougall Plan. LaVerne TN, Ingram Book Company. 1983.

  5. Osborn TB, Mendel LB. Amino Acids in Nutrition and Growth. J Biol Chem 1914; 17: 325.

  6. World Health Organization. (2007). Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition: Report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/trs/WHO_TRS_935_eng.pdf.  

译后记马特·莱德曼医生关于运动员与蛋白质的讲解全部看完了,你对蛋白质还有疑问吗? 或者还有其它蔬食营养方面的问题吗?



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德国美女大学生 丽萨 用中文特别推荐符合 “低脂全蔬食” 原则的健康食谱公众号

 — 想吃得健康,又不想放弃口福?这里有办法!

医生亲自示范最喜欢的全食物健康甜品 “ 抹茶冰淇淋 ”做法(内有 “ 蔬食益生微信交流群” 管理员 “ 食素者也 ” — “ 标哥 ” 的介绍,他通过”低脂全蔬食“成功逆转了三高。)

延伸阅读:吃素是技术活儿?《救命》作者Michael Greger 医生手把手教你怎么吃最有营养!

Michael Greger 医生畅销书《How Not To Die》简体中文版《救命》今年5月出版,点此了解详情。(友情链接,老玉米不参与书的销售)









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