Science: 稻瘟病菌MAPK蛋白激酶调控病菌在水稻细胞中传播

2023-05-10 14:56:27



      近期, Science杂志刊登题为“A single fungal MAP kinase controls plant cell-to-cell invasion by the rice blast fungus”的研究论文,报道英国埃克塞特大学和美国堪萨斯州立大学等机构研究人员的发现。研究发现用化学遗传学手段抑制稻瘟病菌的mitogen-activated protein (MAP)kinase, PMK1蛋白质的活动,就能将病菌束缚在细胞内部,阻止其传染其他细胞。


Fig. S13. Model for Pmk1 MAPK-mediated plant cell invasion. The Pmk1 MAPK is a central regulatory of invasive growth by the rice blast fungus M. oryzae. The signaling pathway controls the regulation of a sub-set of genes encoding secreted effectors that are involved in host immune suppression,  particularly those that act at plasmodesmata. The MAPK pathway also regulates cellular morphogenesis of fungal invasive hyphae which undergo severe constriction as they cross plant cell walls during invasive growth, in order to cause rice blast disease



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