
2023-05-10 14:56:27


一般科学认为大分子药物因为活性很高所以影响药物分布很常见,但对于小分子药物通常认为靶点蛋白浓度远低于药物,所以对药物的分布可以忽略不计。但发表nature》的一篇有关靶点蛋白对小分子药物分布影响的文章认为靶点结合影响小分子药物分布的情况比想象的要多,这个叫做target-mediated drug disposition(TMDD)的现象可能导致非线性药代动力学、PK/PD关系复杂化等。






Understanding the potential for TMDD

In order to gain a better understanding of the potential for target-mediated effects on small-molecule drug pharmacokinetics, several preclinical and clinical activities can be considered.

Knockout (and knock-in) mouse studies. These are an elegant way of demonstrating whether the target can have a profound effect on the pharmacokinetics7.

Co-administration of a selective inhibitor for the pharmacological target.This will typically result in a decrease in V with no effect on CL with increasing dose of the inhibitor when the target is expressed in tissues, and an increase in both V and CL when the target is primarily expressed in blood8.

Determining tissue to plasma partition after a dose-ranging study in preclinical species. For tissues in which targets are highly expressed, the tissue/plasma ratio is expected to decrease with increasing dose9.

Comparison of single with multiple ascending doses. This provides further insight into TMDD as well as ruling out other sources of nonlinear pharmacokinetics, such as saturation of clearance mechanisms. Typically, the nonlinear pharmacokinetic effects will be diminished after repeated dosing.

Radioactive tracer studies. For example, the half-life of a tracer dose of 14C-warfarin was substantially shortened when co-administered with a high dose of unlabelled drug that saturated the target, owing to a substantial decrease in V10.

Intravenous studies. These are most suited to assess TMDD, as after oral administration, certain absorption and first-pass clearance processes could mask TMDD.

In vitro binding assays. For plasma-based targets, in vitro binding assays for the drug conducted over the therapeutic concentration range can indicate whether any nonlinear effects are occurring.


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