
2023-05-10 14:56:27

转录因子蛋白互作并形成复合体调控基因表达是生物体内无时无刻都在发生的生物学过程。利用现代生物技术手段,蛋白间的互作模式、复合体的构成以及调控基因表达的方式正在逐渐被科学家一一破解。然而,我们很难通过直观的手段看到这一过程。FRET-FLIMFörster resonance energy transfer measured by fluorescence lifetime microscopy)是用荧光寿命成像的手段测定共振能量转移的技术。FRET-FLIM因其受干扰因素少的优势,已经成为研究细胞中生物大分子构象变化和分子间动态相互作用的常用技术。最新一期的Nature》杂志报道了科学家利用体内FRET-FLIM技术揭示了拟南芥根中细胞特异性蛋白间的互作方式。




Nature. 2017 Jul 26.

In vivo FRET-FLIM reveals cell-type-specific protein interactions in Arabidopsis roots.



Long Y, Stahl Y, Weidtkamp-Peters S……Simon R, Scheres B, Blilou I*.

*: Plant Developmental Biology, Wageningen University and Research Centre; Molecular Genetics, Department Biology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.



During multicellular development, specification of distinct cell fates is often regulated by the same transcription factors operating differently in distinct cis-regulatory modules, either through different protein complexes, conformational modification of protein complexes, or combinations of both. Direct visualization of different transcription factor complex states guiding specific gene expression programs has been challenging. Here we use in vivo FRET-FLIM (Förster resonance energy transfer measured by fluorescence lifetime microscopy) to reveal spatial partitioning of protein interactions in relation to specification of cell fate. We show that, in Arabidopsis roots, three fully functional fluorescently tagged cell fate regulators establish cell-type-specific interactions at endogenous expression levels and can form higher order complexes. We reveal that cell-type-specific in vivo FRET-FLIM distributions reflect conformational changes of these complexes to differentially regulate target genes and specify distinct cell fates.







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