探索新西兰青口之旅The tour of discovering the mussel in New Zealand

2023-05-18 23:00:13

The Happy Monk 的新西兰青口,自上市以来受到了大家的热烈追捧。3月初,The Happy Monk派出小分队,去探索新西兰鲜活青口的那片纯净的海域!

When the New Zealand mussel arrived in The Happy Monk,we were very excited to receive so much positive feedback.Therefore, The Happy Monk decided to have a tour to discover the hometown of mussel in New Zealand!

大家在The Happy Monk享用到的新西兰青口,捕捞于新西兰南岛:斯图尔岛,班克斯半岛,马尔堡峡湾。100%可持续养殖。

Harvested from the pure waters of Stewart Island in the South of New Zealand, Banks Peninsula, Marlborough Sounds, a 100% sustainable source.

The Happy Monk 选用的青口源于新西兰南岛,这是南太平洋上一个独特的岛国。新西兰拥有世界上面积最大的富饶海域之一,南极洋流带来丰富的营养物,而且远离繁忙的航道。数英里长的海岸线完美适合水产养殖,这是个养殖海鲜的过程——美味又健康的海洋食品宝库。

Mussel of The Happy Monk comes from the southern island in New Zealand, this is a uniqueisland in the South pacific.

Waters of the Antarctic ocean currents are rich of nutrients. A few miles of coastline is perfect for an aquaculture to process a delicious and healthy sea food.


The mussel of New Zealand is the largest and meatiest in the world, raised with sea ropes, which is only produced in New Zealand.


Steve from Ikana company is fishing mussels

  • The Happy Monk的青口都是由来自新西兰Ikana公司的Steve提供和精心挑选的。

  • 鲜活=最佳口感!——捕捞上岸后进行清洗和人手分级,并采用MAP气调精心密封包装,无任何化学添加剂。

  • 高营养价值 - 拥有高蛋白质,欧米加3,铁元素,维生素B12和碘元素。

  • Harvested and supplied especially to the Happy Monk by our friend Steve at Ikana New Zealand.

  • Brought to you LIVE and FRESH each week –  using MAP packaging technology – NO chemical additives.

  • Highly nutritious – a “Super Food” high in proteins, omega 3, iron, vitamin B12 and iodine.

鲜活肥美的新西兰青口,在The Happy Monk可以品尝到啦!

We hope everyone can have a taste of these amazingly fresh

imported Mussels.


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